Simply Elegant Creations from

Men's Rivendell Fellowship Cloak Purchase Page
Fleece: $169.99 or Wool: $239.99

Our Fellowship Cloak is a half-circle,
seamless cloak with an angled, open front,
that can be manfully tossed over the shoulders when in combat,
fleeing an enemy on horseback,
or in moments when you deem it
necessary to impress a Lady.
The oversized hood is fully lined
and deeply pointed.
The length is approx 53 inches.
It comes in polar fleece or wool...
in Castle Grey, Forrest Green, or
Bear Brown.
Pewter Celtic Braid Clasp
The clasp comes with the cloak,
unless you prefer it with a hidden hook & eye, so that you can wear your own clasp
or pennanular.  Let us know if you would
like it without the clasp.

Fellowship Cloak in Fleece
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Fellowship cloak in Wool
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