The Realm for Men


Men's Hooded Monk's Robe


Men's Fleece Monk's Robe ~ $189.99 ~ Our Monk's Robe has loose, flowing sleeves, and a  Shoulder cowl.  It is fastened at the neckline with a simple, silver roped clasp.   Our Men's Monk's Robe Differs from the Friar's Robe only in the hood.  It has a longer, pointed hood, with a removable tassel.  Both hoods are fully lined, and come in Bear Brown, Forrest Green, Castle Grey, Deep Midnight blue, and Black.The length is your choice.
Men's Wool Monk's Robe ~ $239.99





Dear Melanie, It was a beautiful fall morning as the monk stepped out of the hermitage.  He smiled when he saw the countryside that surrounded him; looking to the sky, he praised and glorified the God who created the nature he was blessed to live in.  In the distance, two deer were watching the humble being that stood about a hundred feet from them; the monk had to softly laugh to himself when he thought of his fellow brothers of old who had a special relationship with these animals, St Francis of Assisi, for instance.  "It will be a great day in Christ" the monk thought to himself as he prepared for a long walk in the wilderness...

I stepped out of my reverie and was standing in my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, for a brief moment feeling the same humbleness and humility the monks of old felt!  The robe is GREAT!!  You did an excellent job!!! Kind regards, Steve, from Idaho Falls, ID (Wool Monk's Robe in Bear Brown)